Jumat, 17 Februari 2017

Unofficial Letter Example

                  Number 16 RT 13
                                         Tanah Bumbu
                                         3rd March, 3317
                                         Hidayah street
      Cheryl Cyta Casseryna
      VII grade student
      SMPN 1 Simpang Empat
      Sampurna street

      Dear, Cheryl,

      I'm writing this taught full letter to congrats for your sweet 23rd birthday. I really want to say happy birthday in person, but I can't. I really wish I could, because I miss you, your smile, your eyes, and everything. If only we can meet again, but we can't!. I just have a job to be one of the teachers at the "American Academy of Fun" or can be shortened to "AAF".

         Anyway, Happy birthday! BFF, I apologize again that I couldn't come. However, I had sent you a present within that present will also be this letter!!I hope you have a pleasant birthday my good friend! I hope that I can meet you very soon and can be there for your birthday next year.
             In my heart, I always remembered you, I kept the photo of the two of us when we were kids. I miss those time when we could still play all day in the sun, and I gave you a surprise hug and gift on the morning for your birthday! I miss u! I hope that we can once more have a game " catch the dragon " like we used to play when we were little, very soon!!

                                              Love, your BFF

                               Margareta Flora Chyntia.

Jumat, 10 Februari 2017

Faded Away

                                                              Faded Away

          "Faded Away" is a song by Norwegian that was made by a DJ called Alan Walker. It's like an electronic ballad and release date was on December 3, 2015. Walker  débuted a live performance of "Faded" with Norwegian vocalist Iselin Solheim and stringed to support on 27 February 2016 at X Games Oslo 2016. The performance was aired on Norwegian television.
             Making minor tweaks to one of 2016’s hottest tracks and perhaps the revival that EDM’s been seeking does not work any wonders.  Alan Walker has done a fantastic job in crafting such a beautiful and wide-reaching song. It has appealed to each and every continent and radio channel that it has graced.  So, why Tiësto needs to come along and milk pennies from the music industry for these two shocking excuses to remixes, I’ll never know.
             A music video was released, featuring Shahab Salehi as the protagonist ( which is pretty awesome). The video was produced and edited by Bror Bror, and directed by Rikkard and Tobias Häggbom with Rikkard Häggbom also as director of photography.
            The video shows a young man dressed in black block styled attire including a mask, roaming with his backpack, and holding a photograph of his home in his hand, even though the home was really ratchet  and week. He wanders through abandoned areas including high rise devastated buildings and derelict structures, which is pretty dangerous. Guided by the photo, he finally locates his home, but finds it in ruins. With a final look at his home, he removes his mask ( the removing mask didn't got in the video clip ).
           The song is amazing, the music is sick. The lyrics are very touching. If you feels like having a broken heart and like being torn apart, just listen to thing and you'll fell better. It's feel like your losing home or you're stranded alone. This song is for people all ages. I also love the video clip; Alan walker was very cool jumping over a building or two, to find his lost home home. This would be the best song ever.


Jumat, 03 Februari 2017

Worst Cartoon Ever

                                                           Worst Cartoon Ever
                   Happy Tree Friends is an academy award-winning internet series about cute furry animals resembling Carebears, and their knack of doing stupid things which get them horribly mutilated and killed as a result. It can be seen on the internet and sometimes on TV, where it has given nightmares to thousands of unsuspecting little kids. Tree friends are famous for their ability of suffering horrible bloody deaths and magically coming back to life for the next episode, similar to Kenny McCormick.
For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about Happy Tree Friends.
                 Happy Tree Friends are basically a bunch of technicolor woodland creatures with heart-shaped noses, buck teeth, pacman eyes, mitten hands, and boot-shaped feet. Most of them possess a cute and cuddly appearance, except Lumpy, who is big and ugly, and looks nothing like the rest of the cast. Tree friends also have the ability to speak, though high-pitched squeaky gibberish is the only thing that comes out, as they have speech impediments to go with their stupidity. Perhaps, their most amazing feature is their ability to resurrect themselves after experiencing horrible deaths. They usually due to their knack for doing dangerous things, and the fact they are secretly made of a glass and paper-like substance.
             A slightly more accurate promotional poster displayed the cuddliness and blood of the Happy Tree Friends gang. It all started when they wanted to make a documentary about cute furry singing animals that live in the forest. Eventually, they came across several tree friends playing on a merry-go-round. Everything went well for the first few minutes of filming, then Flippy came along and bloodbath started. Mondo said "this is not what we wanted at all...it's way better!". Since then, Mondo had made many more documentaries depicting the gory everyday life of the tree friends and posting them into Youtube and stuff. Not only had the show won many awards, but it had also gained a large amount of fans. The show had become such a phenomenon that many fans had created their own Happy Tree Friends characters. Happy Tree Friends had also earned millions of dollars with merchandise, including stuffed toys, costumes, video games, and a TV series.
This is a list of primary and secondary characters in Happy Tree Friends. Many characters have unique appearances but still have the common traits. They also have different ways of getting killed.
Main characters
Cuddles: (born July 14, 1981) A yellow rabbit that loves carrots. His favorite color is yellow and is the mascot of the show. He thinks that Giggles is hotter than Paris Hilton. For some reason, he has died more often that any other characters. It means that his lucky feet have not actually done him any good, despite what superstition leads people to believe.
Giggles: (born November 17, 1981) A pink chipmunk with no tail. She wears a red bow on her head and is usually seen frolicking through the flowers, looking at butterflies and birds, and other girly stuffs. However, she is also a philanderer. She has a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with Cuddles, even though they have never kissed and she has frequently cheated on him by having sex with other characters. She is friends with Petunia, Toothy, and Lumpy.
"Toothy": (born 1990) A purple beaver with massively-huge buck teeth. Other than that, he does not have much of a personality and is the loser of the Tree friend world. He is usually sent to fill in the role of getting killed when the other characters don't feel like it. For some reason, most of his deaths involve his right eye being impaled and/or pulled out. He is also a horrible dentist.
Lumpy: (born October 9, 1977) A blue moose who is big and ugly compared to other tree friends, much resembling Bullwinkle. Lumpy isn't only a moron, but possibly the biggest retard ever known. Lumpy got kicked out of Kindergarten and once lost to Goofy in a smart contest. Lumpy later got a job as one of the characters on Happy Tree Friends. He kills a lot of people, and sometimes himself, due to his retardedness. Still, he has appeared more times in the show than any other character and gets a variety of occupations on the show. Many people just feel sorry for this poor retarded moose and like to give him more chances. Lumpy has a passion for safety.
Petunia: (born November 17, 1981) A blue skunk who wears a flower on her head and an air freshener as a necklace. She is a clean character who hates getting dirty and goes Ape Shit Crazy if she sees the slightest bit of dirt. She takes, like, five showers a day or something. She's the person who skins herself alive just to get gunk off her body. And that's what you get when you put a carebear, a neat freak, and an emo together. Her deaths usually involve household appliances that surprisingly are not Transformers in disguise. She is friends with Giggles and also has a crush on Handy. They never kissed either.
Handy: (born July 14, 1980) An orange beaver with amputated arms. He lost his arms one day by foolishly playing with a chainsaw while chopping down trees. Handy is known for making a grumpy face when he fails to do something that requires arms. How he is able to create buildings and drive a car is a mystery, but he is no longer able to brush his teeth, turn on his shower, or wipe his ass after taking a dump. This has made it nearly impossible for Handy to find love (with the exception of Petunia). For some strange reason, most characters have the ability to regrow their body parts while Handy's arms remain pathetic amputated stubs.
Sniffles: (born 1976) A blue anteater who wears glasses with tape and a pocket protector. Being a nerd, he seems to be very intelligent. He's known for being a failure in life because he has built lots of inventions that eventually lead to his own death. But mainly it's because he's not even able to eat ants, as every time he attempts to eat ants fails and the ants are seemingly from the darkest depths of Hell, given that they torture and kill him in the most sadistic manner possible. Sniffles usually dies the most torturous deaths in the show, because his high intelligence gives him extra amounts of pain receptors.
Nutty: (born 1989) A crazy green squirrel who is addicted to sugar crack. He has a lazy eye and has candy stuck all over his body. What else? He laughs almost all the time (even when he dies). If Nutty doesn't get his beloved crack candy, he will scream, cut himself, and get a seizure. Nutty is notorious for stealing candy from children and eating children who dress up as candy. As you may already know, Nutty has a serious crack problem.
Pop & Cub: Pop (born 1963) is a bear with a son named Cub (born 1998). He is a horrible parent who has strangely never had Cub taken away from him by the Child Protection Agency. Besides giving his son bad examples such as smoking, talking to strangers, and drunk driving, he also ignores Cub and doesn't notice anything until he's dead. Unlike Cub, Pop rarely dies (but thankfully, he still dies). His wife has either left him or has died and strangely not returned to life. It's possible that Pop killed her like he does to Cub. And his two brothers, Snap and Crackle, who are also now permanently dead.
Russell: (born 1973) A turquoise sea otter who mentally thinks he's a pirate. He has peg legs, a hook hand, an eye patch, a pirate hat due to poking Cthulhu with a stick, says "yarr" a lot, and lives in some sort of pirate ship in a tree. Unlike usual pirates who plunder ships and steal treasure, Russell swims in the ocean and eats clams all day long. He once met Spongebob, who got pretty pissed because he saw some weirdo in a pirate suit. In fact, Russell is an embarrassment to pirates and aquatic animals everywhere.
Flaky: (born 1979) A red porcupine with dandruff and bad hair, whose gender has been long debated by scientists. It was recently revealed by Bill Nye the Science Guy that Flaky was indeed a tranny. She is known for being a coward and is scared of almost everything it sees, possibly due to an uncomfortable childhood experience.
The Mole: (born 1969) A blind purple mole without an actual name. He wears sunglasses and a turtleneck. As a regular gag, he accidentally kills other characters and uses their body parts as everyday objects without even knowing it. The Mole even drives. It is shown that approximately 46% of all car accidents are caused by blind drivers like The Mole. The only thing worse than a blind driver is a drunk blind driver. Thankfully, The Mole doesn't drink. Or smoke pot.
Mime: (born 1983) A purple deer who, like the Mole, also doesn't have an actual name. As a result of being dropped on his head as a child, he now mentally thinks he is a mime. Like all creepy mimes, he doesn't talk, he pretends to be stuck in an invisible box, and goes around terrorizing little kids at the circus. And how does he not scream when he dies?
Disco Bear: (born 1972) Basically, he's Pedobear's ancestor from the 70's. He also stole the Kool-Aid Man's catchphrase by saying "Oh, yeah" a lot. Disco Bear is known for his urge to to move around with his body. He is also well known for his often failed attempts to have sex with little girls, and once resorted to raping Lumpy instead.
Lifty & Shifty: (born 1974) Two green raccoons who are identical twins (except Shifty wears a hat). They are master thieves who enjoy stealing from other people. They can't share, which usually leads to their deaths. They usually make an annoying grin and snicker before they commit their crimes. In the past years, they have stolen large amounts of money, gold, small children, kittens, and dead bodies, among other despicable crimes such as carjacking, rape, sneaking into your house, and deleting your Wikipedia articles while you sleep. Thankfully, they die in just about every episode they appear in.
Cro-Marmot: (born 22,000 BC) A green Marmot who has been frozen in a block of ice for a million years, but is somehow able to drive an ice cream truck. He is one of the few characters who rarely dies, due to the fact that his ice block is bulletproof. He was frozen as punishment for a despicable crime, which was wiping out the dinosaurs by farting a toxic gas that blocked out the sun and prevented them from breathing. This is why Cro-Marmot is always stored in cold places (like the inside of my fridge).
Flippy: (born 1975) A green bear who once served in the Vietnam War. He wears a camo suit and dog tags. He is probably the most famous Happy Tree Friends character of all time, mostly because he kills everyone around him due to flashbacks of his war days. Flippy is so popular, that many people prefer watching episodes where he appears (even though there are very few of them). He recently served his duties again in Afghanistan and killed Osama Bin Laden with his bare hands.
Splendid (born 1965) A blue flying squirrel with super strength and laser eyes. Unfortunately, he's not what you call Superman. He is a horrible superhero who only makes things worse when he tries to save someone, making people wonder why he is the chairman of the Happy Justice League. The worst part is that he hardly ever dies at all. His only weakness is this sort of drug called Kryptonut.
Lammy & Mr. Pickels: They were new characters who were voted into the show and defeated the other new character, Truffles. Lammy is a lavender sheep who has no friends except an imaginary pickle with a top hat and moustache. Little does she know, the pickle is actually a hitman hired by Mondo Mini Shows. The pickle goes around killing random characters and making it look like Lammy did it. When Lammy tries to tell someone the pickle did it, they think she's as crazy as Flippy.

                Due to the childish appearance of Happy Tree Friends, many parents stupidly think the show is for kids, so they let their three-year old children watch it despite the clearly visible warning signs shown before the beginning of episodes. As a result, tens of thousands of children all over America have gotten nightmares and/or seizures, and some wanted to join the war and become serial killers so they could be like Flippy when they grow up. Not wanting to admit their mistake, the parents decided to blame Mondo Mini Shows and take Happy Tree Friends off the air. Just then, Oscar Wilde, who was a big fan of Happy Tree Friends, went up and said the show could be a good thing.
            Mondo Mini Shows has recently announced that Happy Tree Friends will be made into a live-action movie which is expected to hit theaters January 1, 2013. The movie will depict Lumpy blowing up the White House, causing the President to send his troops out to capture all the tree friends. Everyone except Lumpy, Flippy, Sniffles, and Splendid gets captured and sent to a government facility where they await execution by electrocution, firing squad, hanging, and lethal injection. While Splendid flies off to kill aliens, Lumpy, Flippy, and Sniffles join forces to rescue their friends. Along the way, Sniffles creates a potion that causes Flippy to turn into a giant monster and attack Tokyo. Meanwhile Cuddles, Giggles, Handy, and Petunia manage to escape and express their feelings. Lifty and Shifty also escape but are shot to death when they steal the Treasury and are eventually hunted down. Sniffles and Giggles are kidnapped and bound and gagged in a cage but escape Giggles loves him afterward. Guest stars include Justin Bieber as the voice of Justin Beaver, who will be murdered by Lumpy during the film. This could be the worst film ever and I have no idea why Justin Bieber want to be in this making of a terrible movie, I've watched it and it looked like a horror movie.
            Is it a great Cartoon? I think No. The quality is too bad, there are so much plot twists and blood, and there are no major plot holes I could see. It’s the most gross and scary cartoon I have ever seen. This cartoon is more scary than Walking Death. The editing is brilliant and cool, and the colors itself is gorgeous. I don't recommend kids and big babies to watch this cartoon alone without parental supervision.