Selasa, 20 Desember 2016

Should Kids Learn After School

                                       Should Kids Learn After School
    We all know that children usually only plays although their parents tell them to study. After the children finish their studies, the parents ask them some questions. Unluckily, any children confuse to answer it. Of course, the parents insist the children to answer honestly. Unpredictable, the children replied " I did study but I didn't learn anything". The parents must be shocked with unexpected answers from their kids.
     The parents didn't realize that there's a difference between studying and learning, they taught that studying is learning, but actually it's totally different. According to, studying after school means usually focus on reading and writing books, memorizing facts, and attending school, in order to study about a subject. In Contrast, learning  after school means that you can study and trigger your brain about a knowledge or a subject that could be related to school or not that you learn to gain knowledge or skill by studying, practicing, being taught, or experiencing something. Based on the definition, I think learning after the school is important for kids.
      The first reason, they can  get better grades on school if they learn more after school. Sometimes the teacher  doesn't come to the class and explain the lesson. When it's examination time, the students doesn't know the lesson very well. Probably, they could fail cause of the teachers fault or other reasons, but if the students learn after school and understand the lesson, they will get better grades.
       The second reasons, they can pass the free time so they won't get bored. For instance, if you're watching tv and then you're bored, you can just grab a book study to pass the time.
      The third reason is simple but it has a strong meaning. The reason is that they can get more knowledge that is related or not related to school for a better future. Like Nail Amstrong, on he's school back at the days, he didn't study about space and time. But, he learns it after school and it makes a bright  future which is to be the first man who ever walked on the moon.
  The fourth reason, you can know the world better. If you're a big fan of geography, that means you want to know more about the world. By learning it, you can actually do that.
  Second to last reason is to make your talents grow. If you love piano and learn about how to play it, you can have a talent which is playing the piano. You can learn about it deeper, so you can be a professional at that.
  Last but not least, learning is a challenge that will trigger your brain to study. So, it is just like exercising your brain and making learning much more fun.
  You see? Learning after school is very important, and you don't need to limit it and just learn about the school. you can learn about much more, and let your talents and imagination grows.

Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

Books or iBooks

Hey subscribers! Welcome back to my blog, today I have a very interesting writing which is about the one and only books vs iBooks. We are in the world between the past and the future. Perhaps in the past, we thought that books will never change, but now, there are electronic books like iBooks. Probably, the teens prefer to choose iBooks, but the parents are more willing to choose books, so which sides are you in, books or iBooks????.
     There are positive and negative sides of books. The positive sides of books:
First of all, You don't need electricity to read it. When you are stuck in the jungle or your house has the black out of power, you can always read books without electricity as long as natural light can help your eyes to read.
      Furthermore, you can collect classic and valuable books. Some people loves to collect books because of their hobby. There are some books will be disappeared, and the collectors attempt to save the books from the extinction. For instance, my Dad always collect books about Indonesia Independence Struggles between 1942 and 1945. He loves to read the contents and that's also a good way to save the books from the extinction.
      On the other hands, books also have negative sides too. Books cannot catch totally our eyes and books do not use appropriate colors and images. Especially, Old books had been published by conventional methods. So that, you can bored reading and accidentally fall asleep ( literally ).
      Lastly, If you accidentally burned books by accident you can't read it anymore ( obviously ). Once my friends bought a new book, he played fireworks in New Years celebration. He accidentally burned his book. He was so sad because he did not get the chance to read the book.
      Luckily, we have iBooks which is very popular these days, let see if it's worth it to buy or it just wastes your money. here's the positive  and negative sides of iBooks.
Positive sides of iBooks are really cool. You can bring millions of books in one apple device, anywhere and anytime. Can you imagine that you need to bring thousands of books to the meeting even though you can bring your phone? When you arrived in the meeting you will be very tired and could even unconscious. There's a smarter way, you can download the books on the iBooks then you can just bring one phone, from hundreds kilograms to less than one kilogram just with one device. In addition, If you broke your apple device, you still have the books in your iCloud when you need it in your new apple device. All you need is to sign up on iCloud and all of your data on the iBooks will be restored. So, you will not worry that you have downloaded the books again.
      On the other sides, we know that noting is perfect of course, even iBooks have some negative sides that are really annoying. First thing first, if you run out of battery, you can't read it anymore. Example, if you are in 2% of battery and you want to read your soft copy books, your device will turn off in the middle of your reading. Definitely, you cannot read the books anymore because you have to charge the device.
      Moreover, If you read books on iBooks, you will be disturbed by any apps of social media. For instance, if you read a book on the device while texting your friends, you cannot comprehend it peacefully. The Notifications will remind you to answer the text, and also there will be advertisements or hot news that attract you to curious about it instead of reading books.
      Sum up, between books and iBooks, I think it's equal, but of course it's your opinion, so who do you think won. Books or iBooks?